Pruning and felling of trees

Pruning is the process and result of eliminating certain ramifications of a plant or a tree to make it develop stronger and its fruits are of better quality.

Primary reasons for pruning include removal of dead branches, removal of clumping or rubbing members for better shape, removal of hazards, improved sunlight and air movement throughout the tree. .

Specialized in all types of pruning and felling of trees and palms

Pruning done correctly maintains the good health and structure of the trees. Here we will focus more on ornamental trees, so we will talk about two types of pruning, sanitation and security. The first is specific pruning to eliminate broken, dry or diseased branches.

Safety pruning is used to remove or shorten potentially dangerous branches, such as protruding and bent branches.
Although tree removal is a last resort, there are certain circumstances that make it necessary.

Rigging is essential for the safe removal of a tree. We have lowering techniques, or we can use a crane for difficult trees in confined areas, such as near your home, or to protect other trees.

We always carry out a comprehensive risk assessment to minimize the possibility of collateral damage, so that our clients are aware of any potential danger and are in a position to make an informed decision.

Pruning done correctly maintains the good health and structure of the tree. It can also enhance the beauty and economic value of your landscape. Pruning should be done by professionals, who have the necessary training and experience, and are familiar with the techniques and hazards of this job.

After a period of heavy rains, as the ground is very humid and especially if it is accompanied by a strong wind, many trees are affected by branches breaking and are even uprooted.

Clearing and cleaning of plots and lots

The municipal ordinances inform the owners of plots on urban land, plots and works located in the municipal terms, that they are obliged to keep them in adequate conditions of safety, health and public ornament, with the requirement of rat extermination and disinsection of the plots. .

Keeping the plots and plots clean is also an essential task to avoid possible fires or that are fuel for
uncontrolled dumps.

Brush clearing and cleaning professionals in Mallorca

Clearing is mandatory on plots, farms and land in many municipalities, whether they are public or private.

The plots and plots must be permanently clean, devoid of any type of waste or spontaneous vegetation, without any organic or mineral remains that could harbor animals or insects, as well as plants that carry them or transmit diseases, or produce bad odors.

We have the necessary material and human resources to effectively attend and provide a professional service to our diversified portfolio of clients and to any company or entity, both public and private, and on all types of land and plots.

We have specialized machinery as well as qualified professionals that allow us to maintain a firm commitment to quality by offering a personalized service adapted to any need:

  • Clearing and maintenance of road margins.
  • Maintenance of public roads.
  • Clearing and brush cutting (manual and mechanical).
  • Solar cleaning.
  • Felling and pruning of trees and vegetation.
  • Treatment of industrial herbicides.
  • Industrial gardening.
  • Forest cleanups.
  • Ditches for irrigation systems.
  • Stump removal.

A professional clearing company must use the best means for each job, being able to use everything from manual brushcutters, machinery, implements, to special tractors.

If it is a question of cleaning the soil correctly, it will move and remove the vegetal layer from a depth greater than the one where the roots are. Finally, a correct treatment and management of the organic waste generated will also be carried out.